About Us
Anson is a leader in the exploration and development of natural
resources to power a clean energy future
Anson Resources Limited (ASX: ASN) is global critical minerals company. Through its US based A1 Lithium division, Anson is focused on developing the Paradox Lithium Projects in Utah to a significant and environmentally friendly lithium producing operation, to provide high – quality lithium carbonate for the global Li -ion battery market. The Company plans to expedite development at its Green River site to expand its Mineral Resource base in the Paradox Basin.
In addition to lithium, Anson owns a diverse portfolio of quality exploration assets. These include the Yellow Cat Uranium Project in Utah, which is also highly prospective for vanadium, and three base and critical metals exploration projects covering 458km² in the highly prospective Yilgarn Craton of Western Australia. These include the Bull Project, located adjacent to Chalice Mining Limited’s (ASX: CHN) world-class Julimar Ni-Cu-PGE Project

Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Bruce has led Anson Resources as CEO since 2018, navigating the business through significant growth and transformation.
Before Bruce joined Anson, he spent more than 30 years developing business opportunities internationally and is fluent in Mandarin. Bruce has over 15 years’ experience in senior management and director positions across exploration, mining and production based operations within private and public companies. He has previously developed exploration projects through to commercial production and raised over $220 million for the development of these projects.
Bruce had 10 years’ experience in the public sector having worked as an Australian Trade Commissioner in the Australian Embassy in Beijing, with responsibility for the resources portfolio, and as Trade Development Director, Australian Commerce & Industry Office Taipei, Taiwan. In 2006/07, Bruce worked for the Western Australian government as Manager China, Department of Industry and Resources developing business and political relationships with China.

Executive Director
Greg is a qualified geologist and has more than 30 years of experience in resource evaluation, exploration, permitting, mine development and mining operations in Australia and internationally. Greg has experience as both an exploration geologist and a mining geologist for a range of private and public companies. He has significant experience in taking projects from grass roots exploration through to mine development and production.
Greg is a member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. He is qualified as a “Competent Person” as defined in the 2012 Edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves. Greg is well travelled and has advised Anson on mining prospects in a number of different countries including Guatemala, Brazil, the Philippines, South Africa and the USA.

Executive Director
Tim is an experienced senior executive and director of private international companies. Prior to Anson Resources, he was the founder and managing director of a U.S. regulated financial services company which focused on lithium and mining research and analysis. Tim has a deep understanding of the lithium industry including process technologies and developing trends within the industry. Tim has extensive experience in general and operational management, is an experienced negotiator of commercial contracts and is fluent in Mandarin.

Non-Executive Director
Michael is an experienced director, CFO and company secretary actively engaged in managing companies. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Western Australia and is a Chartered Accountant with more than 30 years’ experience gained with major accounting firms, investment banks and public companies.
Michael was formerly the Company Secretary and CFO of Anson and is very familiar with Anson’s activities and ambitions, particularly Anson’s Paradox Lithium Project in Utah, USA.

Matthew is a chartered accountant and has extensive international and Australian experience in finance, banking and the resources industry. Matthew has held senior management positions in private equity funds as well as Rio Tinto where he focused on the delivery of international exploration projects. Matthew started his career in tax at PwC.

Flemming B. Bjoernslev has more than 30 years of international experience in the chemical industry in Europe, Latin America and the United States with Bayer AG and Lanxess AG where he was President & CEO overlooking 15 sites with 1.700 employees & 2 Billion $ turnover in North America. Prior to joining the Company, Flemming was advising the chemical industry, investment banks as well as private with his expertise spanning basic chemicals, intermediates as well as specialty chemicals.